In December of 1915, in the midst of supervising troop
withdrawals from the failed Gallipoli campaign, General W.R. Birdwood, Commander
of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, penned an introduction to the ANZAC Book, a collection of writings,
cartoons, and sketches contributed by the ANZAC men who had fought at
Gallipoli. The General expressed his opinion that the material in the book “does
as much credit to them as the fighting here has done to the Force,” but added
that “those who are more critical [of the literary offering] will perhaps
remember the circumstances under which the contributions have been prepared, in
small dug-outs, with shells and bullets frequently whistling overhead.” He concluded,
No words of mine could ever convey
to readers at their firesides in Australia, New Zealand and the Old Country,
one-half of what all their boys have been through, nor is my poor pen capable
of telling them of the never-failing courage, determination and cheerfulness of
those who have so willingly fought and given their lives for their King and
country’s sake.*

Whose shells are exceedingly screechy;
But we’re
keeping the score,
And we’re
after your gore—
So look out, “Beachy Bill,” when we meet ye.
They’ve given us all respirators,
And we’ve bundles of ancient Spectators;***
But we’d
give up the two
For a good
oyster stew,
Or a dixie of chipped pertaters.
-- C.D. Mc.
More First World War limericks (this time written by a
Canadian on the Western Front) can be read in an earlier post on this blog: “Laughing
at War.”
* ANZAC Book, Cassell, 1916, p. x.
** “Beachy Bill” was the nickname given to the Turkish
artillery guns overlooking Anzac Cove, concealed batteries that repeatedly shelled
Allied positions on the coast.
*** A weekly British magazine that featured articles on
culture, politics, and current events.
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